Deploy an example smart contract

This guide is for individual users with some technical skills who want to deploy a simple `Storage` smart contract on Humanode network.

You should have:

  • 0xAddress... - your ETH address that is imported into a ETH supported wallet connected to Humanode Israfel Testnet. In this case, it's Humanode Testnet 5 with the following rpc url:


  • Environment to deploy ETH smart contracts like Remix IDE

  • Ethereum supported wallet like Metamask


  1. Open the Remix IDE and choose default Storage.sol contract.

  1. Go to the Compile tab and compile the contract.

  1. Go to the Deploy tab and deploy the contract with injected metamask wallet connected to the Humanode network.

  1. Check Deployed Contracts tab. You should be able to see a store call and retrieve read method.

  1. Let's check the deployed contract by storing a value of 10. Input the value and click on transact tab.

  1. Now click on retrieve tab and verify that the stored value in smart contract is 10.

Last updated