Proposition rights

The Governors will have different rights according to their tiers. Tiers are based on Proof-of-Time (PoT), Proof-of-Devotion (PoD) and Proof-of-Governance (PoG) meaning that devotion in the system is valued more than the riches one has. Tiers do not give any additional voting powers to their holders; instead, they grant the ability to make and promote proposals on crucial matters.

Governance functions through governing eras. A governing era consists of 168 epochs. Each epoch lasts for 4 hours, which is similar to the epochs in human node validation on the chain.

A governor is considered active if he was bioauthenticated and ran a node for 164 epochs out of 168 and if he passed the necessary governing action threshold in the previous era. Every era a certain amount of required actions are presented to a governor, such as upvoting or downvoting a certain amount of proposals or voting on them in the Vortex . If a governor passes the requested amount threshold of actions then he is considered an active governor and becomes eligible to be counted in the quorums of the upcoming governing epochs.

Proof types


  1. Longevity of being a human node

  2. Longevity of being a governor


  1. Proposal approval in Vortex

  2. Participation in a project through Formation


  1. Longevity of being an active governor

  2. Active governing status

Governing tiers

Tiers give various proposal rights to the governors. The system is designed to emancipate a participating governor through certain stages of proposition rights based on achieved levels of different types of proofs.

Tier 1 Nominee

A nominee is a Human node who sets out to receive voting rights in any of the chambers. Although a nominee cannot partake in voting, he is already able to participate in any projects that are assembled in Formation and make proposals to chambers.


  • Run a node

New actions available:

  • Make any proposal excluding those connected to Fee distribution, Monetary System, Core Infrastructure, Administrative, DAO core.

  • Participate in Formation

  • Start earning Longevity as a governor


  • Design

  • Social media presence

  • Education

  • Front-end commits

  • Consensus protocol commits

  • Ecosystem project ideas

  • Legal advisory

  • Financial management advisory


Tier 2 Ecclesiast

The second tier is achievable only when a proposal submitted by the nominee gets accepted by governors in a chamber. From this point on a governor can start actively participating in governance according to the governing requirements. Requirements:

  1. Run a node

  2. Have your proposal accepted in Vortex

New available proposal types:

Fee distribution


  • 2% of fees flow into the Formation vault to fund the network development and execute proposals.

  • 98% of fees go to human node validators.

Monetary modification


  • Implementation of Fath on the Humanode mainnet

  • Proportional emission distribution

  • Monetary Supply Balancing mechanisms

  • Equality of fee distribution among human nodes

  • Emission of HMND tokens

Tier 3 Legate

The third tier requires a demonstration of prolonged governing participation and passage of the meritocratic barrier by direct participation in the processes of the Humanode ecosystem.


  1. Run a node for 1 year

  2. Be an active governor for 1 year

  3. Have your proposal accepted in Vortex

  4. Participate in a project through Formation

New available proposal types:

Changes of the core infrastructure


  • Combination of cryptobiometrics through multimodal biometric processing in node creation

  • Sybil defense through decentralized cryptobiometrics

  • CVM deployment control

  • Equality between peers in decisions on a global state

  • Delegation mechanics

Tier 4 Consul


  1. Run a node for 2 years

  2. Be an active governor for 2 years

  3. Have your proposal accepted in Vortex

  4. Participate in a project through Formation

New available proposal types:



  • Types of human nodes, their rights, and requirements;

  • Governor tiers: rights, requirements, and obligations;

  • Formation procedures and grants.

Tier 5 Citizen

By reaching Citizen tier there are no more restrictions for proposition.


  1. Run a node for 4 years;

  2. Be a governor for 4 years;

  3. Be an active governor for 3 years;

  4. Have your proposal accepted in Vortex;

  5. Participate in a project through Formation.

New available proposal types:

DAO core


  • Proposal system values and protocol;

  • Vortex voting values and protocol;

  • Equal voting power distribution;

  • Decisions on the creation of new types of human nodes;

  • Decisions on the creation of new types of Governors.

Last updated