How It Works
How does Humanode BotBasher for Telegram work?
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How does Humanode BotBasher for Telegram work?
Last updated
We are using autonomous CVMs to store users' biometrics and ensure each person can prove the uniqueness of only one account in every generation. This prevents people from using more than one account at a time and ensures that all proven accounts have a unique biometric footprint, and thus - a unique person, behind them.
We have a single CVM at a time, and we recreate them roughly every half a year, completely dropping the old instance with all the data contained in it (including the biometric information) and creating a new, empty one.
When this happens all uniqueness proofs are reset and users must prove their uniqueness again. While they do not have their uniqueness proven after the reset, they will not be permitted to participate in BotBasher-protected groups and channels.
Every generation switch allows one to change the account with which to link their biometrics (which to prove uniqueness for).
We aim to maintain an invariant that no two separate Telegram accounts that have a proven uniqueness have the same person's biometric data linked to them within a single generation. This invariant does not hold across multiple generations, only within any single generation.
On top of that, we aim to maintain a soft (due to Telegram API limitations) invariant that in a BotBahser-protected group or channel, the only non-admin (and non-creator) participants allowed are with proven uniqueness.
See our website to learn more about Humanode technologies.