A step-by-step guide to adding BotBasher to your Discord server

  1. On the official BotBasher website, Click "Deploy BotBasher"

  1. Select a server you'd like to add the bot to and Click "Authorize"

  1. Navigate to the server where you've added the BotBasher, and go to "Server settings" > "Roles". Create the role you want to assign to members verified through BotBahser.

  1. Name the role and set permissions as you would like to do with the specified role in your server.

  1. Go to the "Links" tab and click "Add requirements."

  1. Select "Humanode for Discord" in the Apps section and tap on the (Liveness Active Gen. 4) switcher to enable it, and click "Save Changes."

Congratulations! You've successfully enabled the Humanode Bot basher on your server.

  1. If you want to enable access to the specific channels for verified humans only, create a channel and make it private (accessible only to the role you created for people verified through BotBasher).

  1. Select the role assigned to the Verified humans on the next screen and "Create Channel".

For testing how BotBasher works, you can visit Humanode's official discord server and apply for the linked role here: https://link.humanode.io/chat

For support visit: https://discord.gg/humanode-819836895739248700

To receive the specific role, users (Discord members) should go to "Linked roles," select the role they want to get, and follow the instructions. The role will be automatically assigned after successfully completing the authorization.

Using BotBasher (STAGING)for testing purposes

You can test Bot Basher by adding a Staging version to your server. It is at a 0 cost but please note that we regularly reset the database, so it won't be possible to use it as a Production version.

The whole process is the same as with the production version.

BotBasher staging link

Last updated