Become a Validator

This is a step-by-step guide to become a validator.

Once you have configured and launched your node either using the launcher app or using CLI, you'll now have to become a validator to start producing and finalizing the blocks.

For this, you'll need to set up a Humanode wallet address (this address will be linked to your validator account and will be used to pay the network fees for authentication and enrollment of your biometrics) and a handheld device.

Handheld devices for a web app

You will need a handheld device (like a phone or tablet) to capture the biometric data. No special configuration is required.

  • iOS or Android. UPD: iOS 15 is not supported yet. Update in development.

  • Camera

  • Accelerometer

  • Modern Web browsers (Chrome / Firefox / Safari)

Move to the next step to set up your substrate address.

Last updated