EVM Compatibility

The page describes the basics of EVM, Smart contracts and the compatibility itself.

What is EVM

The Ethereum Virtual Machine is the global virtual computer whose state every participant on the Ethereum network stores and agrees on. Any participant can request the execution of arbitrary code on the EVM; code execution changes the state of the EVM.

In the Humanode network, we have our own Ethereum Virtual Machine and the associated state, that is not shared with the Ethereum network. Read more in the EVM compatibility section.

What are Smart Contracts

A reusable snippet of code (a program) which a developer publishes into EVM state. Anyone can request that the smart contract code be executed by making a transaction request. Because developers can write arbitrary executable applications into the EVM (games, marketplaces, financial instruments, etc.) by publishing smart contracts, these are often also called dapps, or Decentralized Apps.

EVM compatibility

EVM compatibility simply means the ability to write and deploy smart contract code that is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Humanode is EVM compatible chain. It means, that dapps that are run on Ethereum-like network can be easily ported into the Humanode chain without rewriting smart contracts and any business logic itself by using even the same software like Metamask, Truffle, Remix IDE, etc.

Connect to the Humanode RPC endpoint and run your code on the Humanode network.

Check the list of available public endpoints on the chains page:


As an option, you can run your node as well!


In addition, humanode provides Humanode Truffle Box predefined setup to deploy and test Ethereum smart contracts on Humanode.

Humanode Truffle Box

To learn about the technical details of how we implemented the EVM compatibility see the architecture section.


Last updated