EVM Dev Mode & Keys

This page describes basic approach to use humanode-peer in dev mode with prefunded evm dev accounts.

Go to Dev Mode to run the node in dev mode with prefunded evm accounts.

To inspect evm accounts used in dev mode use the command below:

humanode-peer evm inspect-account --dev --account-index <ACCOUNT_INDEX>

where <ACCOUNT_INDEX> is the account index used in the derivation path.

As an example,

humanode-peer evm inspect-account --dev --account-index 1
Address:      0x3cd0a705a2dc65e5b1e1205896baa2be8a07c6e0
Mnemonic:     bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk
Private Key:  0x8075991ce870b93a8870eca0c0f91913d12f47948ca0fd25b49c6fa7cdbeee8b

Run humanode-peer evm inspect-account --help to get more details.

Last updated