This section describes available JSON-RPC API interfaces.

RPC is a request–response concept when a computer program causes a procedure to execute in a different address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network).

In our case, we can say that RPC is a way for an external program—for example, a browser or front-end application—to communicate with the humanode peer to explore current network state and submit extrinsics.

Humanode provides several substrate based RPCs to communicate with a node including default list of RPCs that substrate comes with.

We would like to introduce more common and useful RPCs including custom bioauth related ones.

Chain state RPCs

Storage related RPCs allows you to explore current chain state based on provided module and method. It's done via api.query.<module>.<method> call.

The full list of available storage RPCs you can find here.

Extrinsics RPCs

Extrinsics for particular module and method can be submitted using api.tx.module.method call.

The full list of available extrinsics RPCs you can find here.

Bioauth RPCs

Humanode team has developed bioauth related custom RPCs with the following functionalities:

Authentication based on provided liveness data

  • interface: api.rpc.bioauth.authenticate

  • jsonrpc: bioauth_authenticate

Enrollment based provided liveness data.

  • interface: api.rpc.bioauth.enroll

  • jsonrpc: bioauth_enroll

Getting the current bioauth status.

  • interface: api.rpc.bioauth.status

  • jsonrpc: bioauth_status

Getting a FaceTec Session Token.

  • interface: api.rpc.bioauth.getFacetecSessionToken

  • jsonrpc: bioauth_getFacetecSessionToken

Getting the configuration required for the Device SDK.

  • interface: api.rpc.bioauth.getFacetecDeviceSdkParams

  • jsonrpc: bioauth_getFacetecDeviceSdkParams

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